Montgomery County Christians

Connecting Bible-believing Christ-followers throughout our county... for greater prayer, care & share... city-by-city, community-by-community, and neighborhood-by-neighborhood... to accomplish the Great Commission... together in Christ.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Community Impact Workshops...

Bible-believing pastors, leaders and community-reachers of all types...

Regional workshops are now in motion throughout our great state.

Example: Tippecanoe & 7 surrounding counties will be one of those areas hosting a "Community Impact Workshop"... on March 30, 2005. The workshop will be a forum conducted by other community-reaching types like yourself. So come connect and let's see what God may do extraordinarily in our midst, as we humble ourselves and pray and seek His face... for our communities.

Stay tuned for details. Or if you already know you'd like to get actively involved in such a concept, perhaps specifically for Montgomery County, please do contact the growing Transform Indiana ministry network coalition.


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